The board of directors has agreed to win the support of shareholders to amend the company's charter and enhance minor shareholders 'collective voting rights on major business management issues. 董事会已同意争取股东支持修改公司章程,强化小股东对重大经营管理问题的集体表决权。
Resolutions of the shareholders 'general meeting must be adopted with half or more of the voting rights held by shareholders present at the meeting. 股东大会作出决议,必须经出席会议的股东所持表决权的半数以上通过。
These rights are directly significant in protecting the shareholders 'proportionate interest ( including the percent of voting rights and individual economic right), and in upholding their existing legal status in enterprises. 该权利的直接意义在于保护股东的比例性利益(包括表决权比例和个体经济利益),进而维护股东在企业中的既有法律地位。
But in reality many of the shareholders of listed corporation is not positive to attend the shareholders 'meeting to exercise voting rights because of their rational apathy. 但现实中很多上市公司股东对出席股东会行使表决权并不积极,公司股东会形同虚设。
The shareholders 'voting rights can be said one of the most important rights and the most effective method for the shareholder to intervene the companies' issue. 由此股东表决权成为股东干预公司事务最为有效也最为重要的手段,可以说是股东最重要的权利之一。
In this chapter we are trying to find how to develop the limitation of shareholders 'voting rights from its necessity and other countries' legislative practice. 本章从股东表决权限制之必要性及各国立法实践为出发点,试图寻找我国构建股东表决权限制之道路。
So the study on the shareholders 'voting rights is very important to regulate the exercise of shareholders' right and to protect the rights and interests of the company. 因此对股东表决权制度的研究,对规范股东权利行使及保护股东和公司权益等各方面都具有重要意义。